Jim Thorpe Shop & Be Merry
Exclusive shopping event with prizes
Saturday, December 9, 2023
5:00 PM

New this year is an exclusive "Shop & Be Merry!" event on Saturday and Sunday - December 9th & 10th.
Your ticket ($30) gets you a commemorative tote filled with a sample box of Carmella's cookies (the ones you love at the Train Station), trial soap from Conjured Soap, an Olde Time Christmas magnet and ornament, coupons for a free bike shuttle by Pocono Biking, 2 passes to Skirmish, a sample bottle of oil from JT Olive Oil, coupons for the JT Trolley and the JT Massage & Wellness Studio and other goodies valued at OVER $250!
PLUS you receive a punch card of 25 participating merchants. Stop by 14 of the participating merchants and complete your punch card and enter your card into the raffle of 20 plus prizes! Many of the shops are offering exclusive specials to participants. There's nothing to buy....just Shop & Be Merry!
You can win:
- 4 passes to Kalahari
- 2 ski passes to Blue Mountain
- 1 night / mid week / non holiday /
mini- suite stay at the Inn of Jim
- 2 tickets to a show at the Mauch
Chunk Opera House
- Dinner certificate to Cafe Arielle
- 2 VIP Passes to the Jim Thorpe
Independent Film Festival
- 4 tickets to the Wonderland
Escape Room
- Certificate for either a couples
massage or a couples warm salt
stone therapy at the JT Massage
& Wellness Studio
- 4 tickets to Pocono Whitewater
- 2 wine tasting tickets for Blue
Ridge Winery
- 2 gift certificates to the Mansion
House Restaurant
- One night stay at the Bella Victoria
Bed & Breakfast
- 2 Wine Tour tickets by the JT
- 1 elegant canvas print by YNW
- $100 certificate off $250+
purchase from Mrs. CE Phelps
- $25 gift card by the Broadway
- Therapy Option - gift certificate
Ticket on sale NOW!