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all 18 features included
Listing Feature Comparison
Description | Free Listing | Upgraded Listing | Featured Listing |
Cost | Free | $50 | $125 |
Business Name | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Square Main Image | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Short Description | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Phone Number | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Address | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Link to your website | No | Yes | Yes |
Filter by days open | No | No | Yes |
Filter by pet-friendly | No | No | Yes |
Filter by on-site parking | No | No | Yes |
Searchable description | No | No | Yes |
SEO compatible | No | No | Yes |
Image Gallery | No | No | Yes |
Business hours | No | No | Yes |
Link to Facebook | No | No | Yes |
Link to Instagram | No | No | Yes |
Link to email | No | No | Yes |
Interactive location map | No | No | Yes |
Long description | No | No | Yes |
View Sample Listings
New Listing Categories
Attractions (Things To Do)
Dining (Food + Drink)
Bed & Breakfast
Short Term Rental
Hotel, Motel, Inn
Pet-friendly filter applies to attractions, dining, shopping and lodging categories.
On-site parking filter applies to attractions, dining, shopping and services
Questions? Contact Jen Christman (9a-4p) 610-322-4759 (text/call) or email
Please allow up to 5 business days for us to complete the database.
Thank you for your participation!
Building an online resource of all the best things to do and see in Jim Thorpe and the surrounding areas.
You are invited
Free listing with Upgraded ($50) and Featured ($125) options
Click here to claim your free listing now [upgrade at any time]
Simple form; takes less than 5 minutes to promote your business for free.
Click here to compare listing features